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LC Spiderling HPLC Column Selector Product Table:

Model Number

Number of Columns (Plus one By-Pass Line)

Temperature Control ?

External Control Options ?

Designed to be positioned in/on


CS3060-04CZ 3 - Column NO Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Bench or Stacked with any HPLC Lowest delay volume Valve.

345 & UHPLC 600 Bar
Max Pressure Versions.

Thousands of dollars less than other brands. Basic model starts at $3,450 (USD) !

CS3060-06CZ 5 - Column NO Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Bench or Stacked with any HPLC
CS3060-08CZ 7 - Column NO Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Bench or Stacked with any HPLC
CS3060-10CZ 9 - Column NO Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Bench or Stacked with any HPLC
CS1100-10CZ 9 - Column NO Contact Closure or ChemStation Bench or Stacked Stacks with an 1100-Series HPLC. *Discontinued.
CS4000-06CZ 5 - Column YES Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Stacked with any HPLC The Highest Quality HPLC Column Selector on the market ! Fully heated / cooled [10-60C].

345 & 600 Bar UHPLC 
Max Pressure Versions.

CS4000-10CZ 9 - Column YES Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Stacked with any HPLC
CS1100-SHELF N/A N/A N/A Stackable Organizing Metal Shelf Module For use with CS3060-Series Column Selectors. Optional Column Tray Available.

HPLC Column Switching Systems Product Table:

Model Number

Number of HPLC Columns Used

Task Performed

External Control Options ?

Designed to be positioned in/on


CS3010 Two (2) Alternating Column Regeneration Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Bench or Stacked Thousands of dollars less than other brands.
CS3010-S Two (2) Alternating Column Regeneration ChemStation Installs in HP/Agilent G1316A Low Volume, 2-Position, 10-Port Valve (400 bar)
CS3020 Two (2) or Three (3) if backflush is not used 2D HPLC, Heart Cutting, Peak Cutting, Backflushing 3 Contact Closures or ChemStation Bench or Stacked Complete In-Line System, super low delay volume. Finest Multidimensional HPLC system.
CS3040 N/A Diverts Large Peaks away from LC-MS N/A Bench or Stacked Fully Automated, works with your UV detector and LC-MS system to reduce source contamination.

2 (Identical)

Peak /Sample Recycler for Analytical HPLC Contact Closure, RS-232 or ChemStation Bench or Stacked Improve Resolution of Partially Resolved Samples.
CS1100-SHELF N/A N/A N/A Stackable Organizing Metal Shelf Module For use with CS3010, CS3040, CS3060, CS3080 or Agilent's "Valve-on-a-Stick" products. Optional Tray Available.

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Chiralizer™ Services, L.L.C.   USA

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